Their sleepless nights entertain you.

always be the best you can be, NO SLACKING!!!

Breakdancing comes from the streets, where sneakers are dance shoes and the dancefloor can be anywhere in the streets. In every breakers’ standard routine are a series of explosive acrobatic moves that require supreme fitness, strength and agility – and those things don’t come easy, ask the StreetERA.

StreetERA  is the title, under this umbrella are the Kenya’s Coastal based, pioneering bboys-   wondering who is a bboy? I will touch on that coupled up with the roots of bboying- who made a trio combi. Popularly known as breakdance, this culture started in the USA, it’s a dance that carries 4 main styles; toprock, downrock, freezes and power moves.Their headquarters are in Malindi where they first met and joined dancing forces.


You could be asking why they take the risks just for a dance routine as it may seem but these young fellas get a lot out of this hustle. To them it’s not just a dance but a culture that they’ve adapted to live in. They opt to inspire lives of the young in the streets and make a positive impact in their own lives too. Read how they started it all and where they are now.

StreetERA came to stand on the year 2012 and started with a big number that has been narrowing down to the current number. They comprised of both gender but later hanged their sneakers to the present male group.86633265_630549014424444_5479148749408174080_nera2

Bboy Era KRU– present day StreetERA,was the mother name past half a decade ago. They trained on the roof tops of unfinished storey houses, this is a risk. To them ‘this is an opportunity’ says Nasib Dee Monsta the skyscraper among the

Nothing holds them on bed believe me, not even dreaming fortunes.  Wanna know what they do? These guys pop out of their beds at exactly 4 AM and meet down the famous beach bridge “Bunthwani”  not the cold can make them pause these trend.Their goals inspire them most, am told they don’t do alarm clocks their goals awaken them. It’s equally fair you know the time they depart from training believe it or not they do it up to 7 AM, that’s like 2 hours of head spinning and doing different kind of stances. Surely after such an activity the next location is the Tubanje spa. Check this out!→

Wanna know the catalyst that keeps them moving no matter the injuries they come across? Imagine having a knee dislocation?monsta1 James Clarks can testify. Dee Monsta can give you a good talk on ankle sprains. 

Imagine holding high hopes thinking you gonna make it shine and boom! It’s a No! That’s how things were as the b-boys were trying to make it out. They faced two rejections; one in 2013-a year after their start, at the breeze point auditions during the winter, breeze point must have been freeze point for them the second rejection was at the 2013 Sakata’s dancing auditions. It looked like they couldn’t make it “I remember telling myself that year, we are never meant to be the best.” Nasib Dee Monsta spoke sharply. Seems things were not “a walk in the park” for them.

Resilience and determination, their sole slogan, gave them their breakthrough in 2014 as they went against all odds by winning the Breeze point’s competition and went past the Sakata auditions and made it to the knockouts. Ooh! what an incredible move ERAchchll186788748_630549831091029_2349805001670393856_n. StreetERA continued to brand themselves and it was no joke, besides being seen in the Churchill road tour, they won the Kilifi county’s bboy competition, Coastal Bboy competition, majority of the shows held in breeze point ( looked liked they reigned breeze point this time round ) not forgetting the Mombasa tukutane breakdance competition. 

Prior to dancing, StreetERA does works of charity. They have been an inspiration to majority of the youth who were lost in drugs in conjunction with the FHOKonce their training home. They pave time to meet the young at the juvenile and entertain them because to StreetERA the kids need not to feel as outcasts. They took their care to the ones fighting cancer and the orphans in Small Home H.G.M primary school Malindi.

Currently the StreetERA are seen and heard by many in the coastal region as they are featured by Safaricom -the better option in Coastal tour. Safaricom has been a major uplift for streetERA.monsta

The StreetERA set to be seen past the boarders. Tubanje is told that France is the next destination for these young self-driven bboys. “Am looking forward to grab it” James Tauraz winner of East Africa’s Slum dance spoke enthusiastically.C4TOTubanje will soon touch on StreetERA individually. View their videos in their YouTube channel in this link→ don’t forget to subscribe! Tubanje did.

Do you wish to learn some cool bboying moves? These caring dancers came up with online dancing classes. Oops! I never mentioned they took a step further and now Malindi, a bgirl movement is underway. Can’t wait to take your girl there? Me too!!

Thank you for reading this post. Your opinion matters, what are your thoughts on the StreetERA’s bgirl movement and the online dancing classes? Please comment below.

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From  photography to the music industry, SwankyOTR is next on 2banje


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